Friday, 26 October 2007

Tehuehuentzin Ihuan Tochtli


I .

1 Tochtli otsicuinia ica Tlacechpa, zan icecelton; amo oquinmopilliaya itatzitzihuan,

2 ihnotzin, ayac ica. Como nohuiana yopixco nohuian yotlahuac,

3 amo oyeya tlen quiquaz xihucelic: nian [x]itla, zan nochi inon paxihuitl.

4 Opehui amiqui.


1 Entonces oquitemo tla texcalli mayen atzintli, nozo memahpalli, nozo tla metzontetl.

2 Otlacollo ica Teciutepetl. Oacito Teutitla pero niamitla.

3 Yociahui tanto acotzicuini. Ihuan ca quimonamiquilia

4 cente tococoltzin ica igarrotetzin, matca monenemitia.

5 Zaniman oquimixmachilli. Zaniman opapac.

6 Omotlanquaquetz, otlatenamic ihuan oquito,

7 Tinotatzin, tinosenor Tehuehuetzin, campa timica?

8 Ayhuelli timonenemitia

9 Tlica otimetzino, tlica otimoquixti

10 tinotlazotatli? maximoyoltia,

11 tla timicaz tipolihuizque tonochtin.

12 macamo cana ximica.

13 Tlaon timonequiltia? Tlaon timocelia?

14 zan xinechmolhuilli


1 Tlatiihuani omitalhui, Totochton, tinotzitziquitzin, tlaon (te)tichihuaz nopampa?

2 Xiquita yotlahuac nohuian,

3 zehua demasiado oninehui ihuan nottotonia, por que nicemiqui.

4 Ninequi nonyaz hasta nechca ixpa.

5 pero amo nechaxiliz fuerzas.

6 Nopan tlayoa, niquaxihuinti.


1 Axcan quema, notazin. Tlica ihquion mopanpatzinco mochihua?

2 Azoca ayemo timotlaquatia?

3 nozo tlen timococotzinoa?

V 1. Amo nopilton, amo tlanechcocoa.


1 Entonces, ye nimati tlaon timopillia,

2 ximanilli in aitzitli nian huetztoc, ica xinechmitzminilli, ihuan xinechmoyezatliti.

3 Icanon timoyolchicahuitiz, ihaun tonmicaz campa timocelliz.


1 Amo nopilton, omitalhui in colli, queni tinequi nimitzmitiz. Quachi qualli manenimiqui,

2 yonihuecahui, ihuan amo tequie nian tiahui.


1 Quema, notatzin, oquiro tochtli,

2 mopampatzinco ninemi

3 mopampatzico nitlaqua

4 nochipa, tehuatzin tinechmotilia, queni ninequiz timopllihuitiz?

5 Ixtilliz, nohuian yoniquiquiz (i)huan amo cana ninextia campa natlapehuiz.


1 Huey, nitlazocamati tlen tinequi nopampa tichihuaz.

2 niahui ninequahiz, (i)huan zanima nochan cehuiz.

3 te xiahui nechca Mexcalco,

4 ompa oztopa, tinextiz atzintli.


1 Xicalaqui (i)huan tiquitaz xochiqualli que iquac xopa,

2 tlen tinequiz xiqua, porque nicuelita hual qualli moanimantzin.



1 the rabbit was running all alone to Tlacechpa. He had no parents.

2 He was an orphan. Nobody was with him. Soon they had everywhere harvested. Everything was dry.

3 there was no fresh herbs to be eaten, nothing, only medicinal herbs.

4 He began to be thirsty.


1 Then de searched for a rock where some water might be, for an agave plant or for a stem of agave.

2 He went around to the Hail Mountain and came to Teutitla where there was nothing.

umping. There he encountered

4 an old man with a cap who was walking with difficulty.

5 At once he recognized him and at once he was glad.

6 He kneeled down and kissed the ground and said:

7 “My father, my lord. Old man old Teutli, where are you going?

8 It is impossible for you to waly

9 Why did you arise for your bed? Why did you go out?

10 My dear father tou should remain lying down .

11 If you go we are all lost

12 Do not go away

13 What is it that you want? What is it that you wish for? I will go for it an I will bring it

14 If you only tell me.”


1 the lord said : “My little rabbit, what is it that you will do for me?

2 Look, everything is dried up in these parts.

3 It is all cold. I have arisen and I go to warm myself because I am dying of cold.

4 I want to go on here to greet the inhabitants of the mountains,

5 but I am not strong enough.

6 Night is on me and my head is weak.”


1 “That is just it, my father. Why does all this happen to you?

2 Maybe you have not eaten.

3 maybe you are sick.”


1 “No, my son, I have no pains.”


1 “Then I know what is the matter with you.

2 take this obsidian knife and wound me with it and drink my blood.

3 Thus you will become strong and you will go wherever you like.”


1 “No my son,” said the Old Man, “Why do you want me to kill you? It would be better if I should die.

2 I have already lasted a long time, and not you who are hardly walking about here.”


1 “Yes, my Father,” said the Rabbit, “I beng of you.

2 I live by your favor.

3 I eat by your favor and

4 you always look after me. How could you want to die?

5 Listen I have gone everywhere and I have not found any place where to get water.”


1 “ I thank you very much for what you want to do for me.

2 I am going to drink agave juice. Then I shall at once go to my house and rest.

3 You go on to Mexcalco.

4 There in a cave you will find water.


1 Go in and you will see fruits as in spring,

2 whatever you want to eat, because I value your good heart.”

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