II. (1)Oya inin coyotl itlauhtzinco totatazin, iguan oquimolhuili tlen oquinequia; (2)pero totatatzin monegarotzino. (3)Inin coyotl omencapricharo iguan oquimomaquili permico, pero oquimolhuili, (4)tla timozahuaz de tonalli, entonces tiquinquaz, iguan tlac amo, entonces nian tlaun tihchihuaz, amo para tiquinquaz. (5) Inin coyotl oquito, Quema, nozahuaz nihchihuaz tlen tehuatzin timitalhuiz por tan solo de niquinquaz moconetzitzinguan. (6) Oquimopegarhuilili cente amatl itech iten, iguan ohualquiz de itlahutzinco.
II. (1)The Coyote went to our Father and told him what he wanted, (2)but our Father declined. (3) Then Coyote persisted and (God) gave him permission but he said to him: (4) If you will fast one day you may eat them. (5)Coyote said, “Yes, I shall fast. I shall do what you say, for only so may I eat your childrens.” (6) (God) pasted a paper on his mouth and Coyote went away from his presence.
III. (1)Yeyatinemi, pero machhuelezque mahtlahtli hora (2) iguan
III. (1)After about ten hours he felt hungry, until (2)finally he met a Tlaquache (3) who asked him what he had done. Then Tlaquache said to him. (5) “do you not feel hungry?” (6) He anwered, “Yes, but I may not eat anything.” (7) The Tlaquache said. “Don’t make yourself stupid. Come with me and I will take it off slowly. (8) you may drink agave juice there.”
IV. (1)Amo oquinequia quiquixtilizque, pero iapizyo oquitototz; (2) iguan omocahui oquiquixtilique. Omopacho itlachui tlachimetl, oquitetlapo, (3)iguan oquicalaqui quali otzonteco iguan oatli. (4)Zatepa tlaquatzin oquipegarhuili amatl, peroye tzopelic ayohmo que oyeya chipahuac.
IV. (1)He did not want to have it taken off, but his hunger induced him, (2)and he permitted them to pull it off. He came to an agave. He opened it, (3) and he put his head well into it and he drank. (4) Then the Tlaquache pasted the paper on, but it was dirty. It was no longer clean.
V. (1)Oacic quezqui hora oquimonohuatili mopresentaroz iguan melahuac omopresentaroc. (2) Oquimolhui, Totatatzin, yonihcumpliroto nezahualiztli. (3) Entonces totatatzin oquimonohualtili mopresentaroz iguan melahuac omoprentaroc. (4)Coyotl oquito, Quema inh-huardaro. (5) Entonces totatatzinoquimolhuili, A ver tla melahuac otih-huardaro, (6)Xihquatiyo inonechca tlacatl tequihtica
V. (1) Th hour arrived when he had been told to present himself, and indeed he presented himself. (2) He said, “Our father, I have completed the fast.” (3) Then our Father said, “You did not really observe it.” (4)Coyote said, “Yes, I observed it.” (5) Then our Father said, “Let us see whether you really observed it. (6)Go and eat that man who is working there with a hoe.” (7) Coyote came running. He was going to eat him.
VI. (1) Inin tlacatl ihquac oquittac yehualtemo coyotl, quali omafiazaro (2)iguan ihquac oquinequia quitlanquenchiz oquimacac cetlalteposquahuitl hasta ico tlamotlac. (3)Omehuitiquiz coyotl, iguan ocholo. (4)Entonces omitalhui tototatzin, (5)On yotiquitac que amo otimozahui. Zo omopacho coyotl.
VI. (1) When the man saw Coyote coming sneaking up he took a firm hold, (2) and when (Coyote) wanted to bite him he hit with the handle of the hoe, and even thrust it at him. (3) Coyote got up and ran away. (4) Then our Father said, (5) “You see, you did not fast.” Coyote only slunk away.
VII. (1) Iguan oquiquizta, oquitemoto tlaquatzin para quiquaz. (2) Oquinamiquito, iguan oconilhui desde hueca. (3) Axan tiquittas nimitzquaz. Oquito tlaquatzin. Tlica? (4)Oquito coyotl, Pos tlica por te amo oniquinqua que onihnequia. (5)Tlaquatzin oquilhui coyotl, Nehau quali xinechixmati tla nehua ninequatlaquatzin. ce xiguala xinequatliqui. (6) Coyotl onequatlito pero amo oconeguiya itzonteco. (7)Oncan tlaquatzin tetl, ica oquitetzotzonili para ocalac. Onequatliquin mientras tlaquatzin ocholoc, (8) iguan yonoquapachihui, yoquinequia quiquixtiz otzonteco, pero ayohmo oconehuiya. (9) Huecahui omotzintlaltaxilitinemia para oquiquixti.
VII. (1)He went away to look for the Tlaquache in order to eat him. (2) He went and met him and said to him from afar, (3) “Now you will see. I am going to eat you. “Tlaquache said, “Why?” (4) The Coyote said, “Because on account of you I did not eat them as I wanted to.” (5) The Tlaquache said to the Coyote, “In my house I myself am guarding the agave. Come and drink agave juice.” (6) Coyote went to drink agave juice, but he did not raise his head, but he could raise his head. The Tlaquache struck him with a stone so that he went in. He was drinking the agave juice while the Tlaquache ran away. (8) he filled himself with the agave juice and then he wanted to pull out his head, but he could not lift it. (9)For a long time he continued making efforts so that he pulled it out.
VIII. (1) Bueno, pos ye oquitetemotinemia ohce viaje tlauquatzin oquinextito. (2) Ohce viaje oquilhuic que primero, pero oquito tlaquatzin, (3)Nehua amotla ne nitzapotlaquatzin. (4) Tla tihnequi chahue titzapoquaqua. (5) Oyaque iguan primero oquitetemuli cente tzapotl. Inon quali yohuihcic. (6) Oquilhui, Xihtlapo mocamac porque onpayahui. (7) Oquitlacalili, iguan oquitlatlani, Que tal bueno? – Cosa bueno, oquito coyotl?. (8) Otlatla tlaquatzin, Ohcente tihnequi? Oquito, Ohcente. (9)Oquicetemoli inon hueyote tepitztic, iguan oquilhuic, (10) Onpayahui, yihtlapa quali mocamac. (11) Oquitlacalili. Icopac otlinito. (12)Mientra mocopactatacatinemi, tlaquatzin otemotehuac iguan ocholo.
VIII. (1)Very well. Then he went looking again for the Tlaquache. He found him. (2)Again he said to him the same as before, but the Tlaquache said, (3) “I am in my house for I am guarding the zapote. (4) If you wish, you can go and eat zapote.” (5) They went and first he looked around for a zapote. This one was ripe. (6) He said to him, “Open your mouth so that it may go in.” (7) The other did, and asked him, “Is it good?” – “It is a good thing, “ said the Coyote. (8)The other asked did he want another one. He said, “Another one.” (9) He looked for a very large hard one and said to him, (10) “There it goes. Open your mouth wide.” (11) The other did. His throat was wide open. (12) While his throat was being scratched the Tlaquache slunk away and escaped.
IX. (1)Iman yoquiquixti oquitetemoto ohce viaje iguan oquinectito. (2)Ohce viaje oquilhui que primero, pero oquito, tlacuatzin (3) Nehua amo tla nehua ninochtlacuatzin, (4) tla tinequi chahue tinochquaqua. (5) Oyaque. Oquitetemoli cente nochtli (6) Inon qualli yohuihcic, iguan oquimilhuic, (7) Xihtlapo mocamac quali. Oquitlatlalili iguan oquitlatlalili, Bueno? (8)Oquito, Cosa bueno, ohcente xinechtlacalili. (9) Oquitetemoc inon tepitztic hueyote iguan ahuayo, iguan oquitlacalili. (10) Otilinito icopac. Mientras omoquechtatacatinemia ocholo tlaquatzin.
IX. (1) When (Coyote) had pulled it out he again went to look for him and he found him. (2) Again he said to him as before, but the Tlaqueche said. (3) “I am not the one. I am guarding the prickly pears. (4) If you wish we will go and eat prickly pears.” (5)They went to look for prickly pears. (6) This one saw a ripe one and he said to him,(7) “Open your mouth wide.” He threw it and asked him, “Is it good?” (8) He said, “This is a good thing. Throw me another one.” (9) He looked for a hard one a very large and prickly one and he threw it . (10) (Coyote) opened his mouth wide. While it was scratching his throat the Tlaquache ran away.
X. (1)Ihcuac oquiquixti oquitetemoto ohce viaje iguan oquinectito. (2) Ohce viaje oquilhui que primero, pero tlaquatzin tipolihuizque. Ce xihuala, tiquinotizque. (3)
Tla neniquixtia mundo de modo que tla nicacahuaz tipolihuizque. Ce xihuala, tiquixotizque. (4)Oyaque iguan oquilhui, (5)xinehchia nican; xihcuitlapanamiquii tlaltepanixtli (6)iguan amo ye tiquitoz tihcacahuaz porque sino tipolihuizque. (7) oquito coyotl, Bueno. Mientras ne niahui nihtetemoz totlaqual. (8) Oyac tlaquatzin. Ocholoc campa hasta ayohmo quihtazque. (9) Inin coyotl yoapizmiquia. (10 Quemanian ye quicacahua, ohcepa quicuitlapanamiqui. (11) Iguan ihquiyon oquichihutaya hasta que por fin oquicachui (12)iguan oquito, Tlatepolihuizque motopilihuican.
X. (1) When he got it out he went again looking for him and he found him again (2) and spoke to him before. The Tlaquache said, (3) “I am taking care of it.” (4) He went and he said to him, (5) “Wait for me here. Carry this cliff on your back, (6) and do not say you will leave it; else we perish,” (7) Coyote said, “All right,” – “In the meantime I will go and look for food for us.” (8) The Tlaquache went away until he was no more to be seen. (9) The Coyote suffered hunger. (10) At time he left it and again he carried it on his back, (11) and so he did this until at last he deserted it (12), and he said, “Then if we perish, let us perish.”
XI. Ompon tlami cuento.
XI. Here ends the story.
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